Getting ready for Springtime in Texas

I get asked all the time about how to get ready for spring here in Texas. I have compiled a list of things to do to get ready and be prepared for the hot months that are coming.
Check your AC now- Prices are cheaper than when it gets hot and everybody needs service. Change those filters at the same time and put the date on it. A clean filter can save you a lot of money.
Check your
system- we all like a water feature to look at. However the one in your yard is not good to see. Many of us water in the early morning and we never see if heads are broken or if we have a leak in the lines. You may even have a zone that’s not working at all. We need the system watering correctly to protect our foundations.
Roll out that refrigerator and vacuum the coil underneath, it will cool better. Also, if you have a water filter, change that too. Put the date on it so you know how long between changes.
Check that dryer vent, all those warm blankets you dried shed lint in the vent and can restrict air from getting out. Your dryer will take longer and lint is highly flammable.
Drain the sediment from your water heater. This will increase the life of the heater and flush the junk out of it.
Close the flue on your fire place sometime in April. Make sure you have a clamp or something that doesn’t allow it to close 100%. Also put a ribbon or something on the handle to remind you next winter that its closed!
Fix those leaky faucets outside.
Put out herbicide in the yard and beat the weeds.
Check your fences for places the dog can escape.
Clean your gutters so they drain correctly and repair any downspouts so they drain away from the foundation
Enjoy your Spring and Summer of 2017!